Monday, March 19, 2012

What is Magnesium Sulfate?

Magnesium Sulfate in simpler terms as most of us know is Epsom Salts. 

What are they used for? Most common use is to have a bath with Epsom salts. It reduced stress, and soothes muscles after a long day at work. Pour 1-2 cups of salt into a warm bath and soak for about 20-30 minutes. You may wish you add some essential oils for a more therapeutic bath. I'd recommend lavender, or vanilla. Lavender helps to relax you, while vanilla just smells wonderful and it very comforting. 

Epsom salts remove toxins and heavy metals from skin cells which help muscles to relax and minimize body pains. It helps to ease muscle cramps and inflammation as well. Epsom salt can assist in blood circulation, aid in wound healing, remove foot odor, soften your skin and increase your strength and stamina. It is a mineral lacking in most of our bodies, and a good way to get it back into our system is a good, old fashioned bath. 

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